STEM Business & Industry Partners

Business and Industry Partners Make Significant Contributions to STEM in Michigan

The MI STEM Partnership invites your participation in our efforts to create a culture of cross-disciplinary education that results in a workforce skilled in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) related fields, problem-solving, innovation, and creativity.

If you support this goal, there are several areas where we need your help. Please consider adopting one or more of the tactics below.

Raise Awareness:

  • Champion the cause to foster a STEM culture
  • Propagate the "collective impact" mindset for our state
  • Be a STEM role model or mentor for students at all levels of education
  • Speak at conferences and/or co-author papers on STEM education topics
  • Submit short articles for the Partnership e-newsletter
  • Promote the MI STEM Partnership and encourage your peers to join
  •  Educate elementary, middle, high school and post-secondary students about STEM and the corresponding career benefits

Skill Development:

  • Inform local & state educators about the STEM skills needed for the 21st century workforce
  • Lend your voice and spread the word about the skills gap in the workforce and recommend solutions to develop a more robust talent pipeline
  • Provide internships or other work experiences for students
  • Grant scholarships to at-risk students focused on pursuing STEM at the secondary level
  • Offer teachers summer externships and other experiential opportunities
  • Support your local Mathematics & Science Center in providing professional development opportunities for teachers and experiential opportunities for students
  • Encourage and allow your employees to teach a class related to their specific area of STEM knowledge

Advocate for STEM Curricula:

  • Advocate in support of STEM education with your local and federal legislators
  • Encourage your local school board to implement STEM-related curricula aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards
  • Promote the implementation of pre-engineering (mechanical, electrical, chemical, bioengineering, etc) curricula in middle and high schools with your local school boards
  • Encourage your local community college to start a STEM-focused Early College program

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Fund STEM-related extra-curricular activities such as a robotics league, Science Olympiad or other similar activities
  • Sponsor conferences, meetings, travel, etc. to support the work of the Partnership
  • Conduct tours of your facility or plant
  • Attend and add your expertise to a regional STEM hub or possibly inform the state Steering
  • Committee about your industry needs
YOU can help bring quality STEM programs to Michigan.
Donate your time, skills or make a financial contribution to help build a stronger future.