MI STEM Partnership Work Committees and Task Force Groups
Apply to Participate in Work Committees and/or Task Force Groups
The Michigan STEM Partnership invites STEM stakeholders in Michigan to become ad hoc members of Partnership Work Committees and/or specific-purpose Task Force Groups. Board membership IS NOT a requirement to participate.
Benefits of Work Committee and/or Task Force Group Participation
Descriptions of Our Work Committees:
Communications Committee
The responsibilities of this committee include: development and implementation of a strategic communication plan, oversight of the Partnership website and other communication devices, and creation of various promotional materials to increase overall awareness of the Michigan STEM Partnership, its mission, activities, and impacts/benefits. Activities include:
- Develops a strategic communication plan for the Partnership including print, media, events, and promotional activities
- Manages the development, content, and maintenance of the Partnership website
- Manages the social media resources of the Partnership (ie: LinkedIN group, Twitter Account, Facebook account)
- Manages the process for press releases
- Develops/approves promotional and communication documents
- Other tasks as may be required
Strategic Directions Committee
The committee evaluates Partnership needs against current and proposed Partnership requirements to insure that such needs are high-priority activities of the Board and Prosperity Region membership. The committee develops/updates the Board Strategic Plan and then monitors and guides the implementation of the Board-approved Plan. In addition, the committee evaluates past meetings and plans future meeting content so as to ensure that Board meetings are engaging and valuable. Activities include:
- Develops/updates the annual strategic plan for the partnership
- Monitors and supports activities and actions of the annual plan
- Evaluates the content and operations of Board meetings
- Plans and manages developmental activities/actions in the strategic plan
- Manages the Partnership's STEM Grant Application/Awards process when funds are available to be distributed throughout the state
- Other tasks as may be required
Finance Committee
The committee oversees the on-going cash flow, reviews and ultimately recommends the annual staff budget to the full Board, and recommends funding sources. Activities include:
- Provides oversight to the fiscal operations of the Partnership including contracted services, purchases, and expenditures
- Sets fiscal policies and processes
- Develops and manages the annual budget for the Partnership
- Works with external bookkeeping / accounting services
- Manages all fiscal reporting including operational reports, IRS filings, grants / foundation reports, and other reporting required
- Other tasks as may be required
Governance Committee
Primary responsibility of this committee is to identify and secure nominations for new or renewing Board seat appointments. The committee will return a proposed annual slate of Directors and Executive Committee members to the Board for election by the Board at the annual business meeting. In addition, the Governance Committee will oversee the performance of Board members, and will be responsible for orientation of new Board members. Activities include:
- Determine/regulate additional terms for current Board members
- Manage the process for outreach and recruitment of new Board members
- Orientate new Board members
- Determine the membership of the Executive Committee
- Address attendance and participation issues of Board members
- Develop and implement policies for the operation and management of the Partnership
- Oversee the performance of Board members
- Responsible for the orientation of new Board members
- Other tasks as may be required
Descriptions of our single-purpose Task Force Groups:
Our Task Force groups are initiated to address specific issues which may need to be addressed by the Partnership. Some Task Force groups will exist for limited term until the completion of their assigned initiative, others will be on-going.
Fundraising Task Force
This is a standing Task Force with the responsibility of identifying means of raising funds for the Partnership through grants, events, or other fundraising initiatives and then implementing those initiatives. As needed, this Task Force will work in conjunction with other Partnership Work Committees or Task Force groups to achieve their stated purpose.
Planning Grant Task Force
This is a limited term Task Force implemented for the purpose of collaborating with the Strategic Directions Committee to develop a long-term plan for the Partnership in compliance with the objectives of a grant that has been received from Bosch. This is a 12-month initiative.
Professional Development Grant Task Force
This is a limited term Task Force implemented for the purpose of conceiving a model for a STEM Professional Development Program for Michigan Teachers utilizing grant funding provided by Consumers Energy. This Task Force will also develop a plan for implementing a pilot in-service session of the training model provided as part of the Development Program. This Task Force is expected to conclude by November 30, 2017.
Grant Application Task Force
This will be a standing Task Force for the purpose of submitting grant applications to government organizations, private and public foundations, and other resources that may be able to provide funding for Partnership initiatives and operations.
Corporate Partnership Program Planning Task Force
This is a limited term Task Force for the specific purpose of developing a Corporate Partnership Program for the Partnership. The Task Force will identify goals of the program, benefits to be provided to Corporate Partners, requirements to become a Corporate Partner, and all processes and procedures related to this program. A specific time-frame for this Task Force has not yet been identified.