About the Michigan STEM Partnership

The Michigan STEM Partnership promotes the impact of STEM careers on economic development across the State of Michigan, and strives to influence the career decisions of students as they prepare for their future.
Access 'MI STEM Partnership - an Introduction'
Our Mission:
“The mission of the Michigan STEM Partnership is to provide statewide connections and communications between employers, educators, students and parents, community and professional organizations, and policy-makers, providing strategic support for the development of resources and programs that provide for the effectiveness and sustainability of STEM education and talent development”
Our Vision

The Michigan STEM Partnership positively impacts educational, economic, and talent development by connecting the P-20 educational system to relevant world-class skills, academic ambitions, and rewarding career pathways. Leveraging collaborative opportunities, assets, and resources, STEM education serves the workforce needs of STEM fields and creative demands of a diverse, innovative, and thriving Michigan economy.
Our Goals
Overarching Goal:
The Michigan STEM Partnership will be a primary contributor to the growth and development of STEM and STEM Education in Michigan by:
- Promoting, connecting and empowering STEM educating instruction and talent development.
- Engaging employers, professional and community-based organizations, and other stakeholders in STEM education & career/talent development programs and activities.
- Actively connect STEM resources, initiatives and program development statewide through our regional structure.
Goal 1:
Promote STEM, STEM opportunities, needs, and solutions through information, opportunities, and successes locally, statewide, nationally and internationally
- provide relevant data and information
- engage other organizations and providers
- highlight STEM successes/best practices
- educate parents and students about STEM; why it matters
- educate employers about why STEM investment is needed
- benchmarking MI STEM effectiveness
Goal 2:
Engage and connect industry (business), education (schools), and the community by:
- providing value for employer investment in STEM
- actively supporting and contributing to the work of the Michigan STEM Advisory Council and statewide system to support STEM
- connecting employers with school field trips, outreach events, and mentoring opportunities
- providing relevant data and information that targeted developments in the STEM education process
- expanding partnerships and collaboration with organizations and agencies
Goal 3:
Connect organizational, technical, funding, and informational resources to drive STEM education development
- find/develop education projects that need an employer connection
- determine organizations outside education and employers impacting STEM
- put stakeholders, employers, educators and agencies together
- keeper of/act as repository/database of all programs (Intern in Michigan, MI Bright Future, etc.)
- work with prosperity regions to connect education with industry in talent development
Goal 4:
The Michigan STEM Partnership will be self-sustaining through grant funds, donations, partnerships, and other revenue sources.
Partnership Structure:
The Michigan STEM Partnership has both an internal and external structure. The internal structure allows for officers within the organization to chair critical work committees lead through an Executive Committee. These work committees address organizational and developmental needs consistent with the organizational goals. Coordination of effort and communication is managed through the Executive Committee. Externally, the Michigan STEM Partnership maintains a regional structure that aligns with that of the state's Prosperity Regions and provides for statewide connections, information flow, communication, resources, and program development and dissemination.
The State Board consists of a balance of public and private sector representatives.
Work Committees address operational and development initiatives through strategic action plans to achieve the organizational goals.
The Executive Director works with the Executive Committee and Work Committee Chairs to manage operations and organizational development.
The Board Chair is the chair of the Executive Committee. The EC is made up of the organization Officers and Work Committee Chairs, and provides high-level planning and direction for the organization.
The Prosperity Region Structure provides statewide communication (feed forward and feedback), enables direct engagement, and facilitates dissemination of programs and resources at the regional and local level. Regional liaisons and representative state board members participate in the leadership of these regions to support the goals and objectives of the Partnership.
STEM Affiliations:
The Michigan STEM Partnership's Southeast Michigan STEM Alliance was selected to join the STEM Learning Ecosystems national initiative in 2017. We are one of 17 incoming regional ecosystems added to the international group of 54 communities. We were selected because of a demonstrated commitment to cross-sector collaborations in schools and beyond the classroom - in after-school and summer programs, at home, with local business and industry partners, and in science centers, libraries and other places both virtual and physical. Learn more about STEM Learning Ecosystems at STEMecosystems.org.
The Michigan STEM Partnership is one of 21 states that comprise the STEMxNetwork, a grass-roots movement that provides a platform for sharing best practices, analyzing and disseminating information and quality STEM education tools to transform education, expand the number of STEM teachers, increase student achievement in STEM, and grow tomorrow’s innovators. The Michigan STEM Partnership is also working with 10 other states interested in creating a quality STEM education culture across the Midwest region.